SAURABH GUPTA..PGDM in HR, LL.B Delhi University. Presently working as Sr. HR Executive with a Media Company.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Objective type Questions of Human Resource Management

Q1. What is meant by the term 'management by objectives'?

a. A system of giving the authority to carry out certain jobs by those lower down the management hierarchy
b. The system of management that is based on bringing together experts into a team

c. The setting of objectives to bring about the achievement of the corporate goals

d. The control of the organization by those in the 'head office'

Q2. A manager may delegate any of the following except:

a. Authority

b. Workload

c. Responsibility

d. attendance at meetings to represent the department

Q3. Workforce planning involves all of the following except:

a. Organising the training of staff

b. forecasting future personnel requirements

c. examining production plans in a factory

d. preparing and maintaining personnel records

Q4. Maslow, in his triangle of human needs, showed that

a. having challenging new tasks is a basic human need

b. money always motivates workers

c. safety and security is a low order human need

d. workers will not give of their best unless they have good social events provided by the firm

Q5. Piecework is a payment system where the worker is”

a. paid overtime for any hours worked beyond 25 per week

b. rewarded for good conduct

c. is paid a minimum of £4.20 per hour

d. is paid for what he or she achieves

Q6. Which of the following will NOT result following the introduction of a more decentralised system of management?

a. Increased motivation amongst those empowered to make decisions

b. Greater consistency in the decisions made

c. The development of skills amongst the junior members of the management team

d. An increase in the speed at which essential decisions are made

Q7. An advantage of recruitment from outside the company is

a. that it is cheaper than internal recruitment

b. that there is no need to advertise the vacancy

c. that it brings in new experience and skills to the firm

d. that it avoids jealousy within the firm

Q8. When designing his hierarchy of needs triangle Maslow did NOT include one of these. Was it?

a. Good wages and salaries and working conditions

b. The need to feel secure at work with adequate financial rewards such as pensions to assist one later in life

c. The need to build a career path

d. Opportunities for teamworking and social events that allow a sense of belonging to emerge

Q9. When deciding on objectives for management it is advised that companies should aim to achieve 'SMART' within these. Which of the following is NOT part of the SMART scheme?

a. The need to be Specific in the choice of objectives

b. The need to make objectives Tangible

c. All objectives must be Measurable

d. For personnel to feel capable of reaching objectives they must be Achievable

Q10. Which of the following is a reason for introducing a matrix management system?

a. Because it allows for an easily understood functional responsibility chart to designed

b. The management can increase the use of delegation within the organisation

c. The senior management wants to develop a clearly defined set of responsibilities

d. A more centralised system of control is required

Q11. What is meant by the term functional management?

a. A system of business organisation that is based on an individual having a wide range of skills needed to administer a business

b. A type of management that is based more on personality

c. A system that groups together various jobs and is organised by departments, sections or functions

d. A system that supports a flat form of command chain

Q12. What is meant by the term delegation?

A system of management that relies on consulting employees before making decisions

a. The process of using goals as the best way of motivating managers to achieve corporate targets/objectives

b. The giving of tasks by a manager to a subordinate

c. A style of management supported by FW Taylor

Q13. Which of the following is a reason for supporting a wider span of control within an organisation?

a. The management wants to reduce the opportunities for delegation

b. There is a need for tighter control within the business

c. The business accepts that within its management there will be increased contact between managers and employees

d. Management wishes to introduce a process of de-layering

Q14. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a narrow span of control?

a. There is less opportunity to delegate

b. This form of span of control creates a smaller hierarchy within the business

c. Supervision and control are tighter

d. The distance between the top and bottom of the organisation is greater

Q15. The effectiveness of wide spans of control will depend on:

a. ability of the chosen manager to control effectively those under their control

b. Designing a complex set of tasks for less senior personnel to perform

c. Employees being treated in a more Theory X way (McGregor) and not left to supervise their own working environment

d. The senior management wishing to encourage promotion from within its current staff

Q16. Which of the following is the best definition of a centralised management system?

a. A system that encourages empowerment of workers

b. A management structure that concentrates on developing the skills of junior personnel

c. A system that involves authority and responsibility for decision-making being in the hands of senior managers

d. A system that encourages faster decision-making

Q17. Most management teams use 'appraisal' but what is meant by this term?

a. A system used to improve the performance of personnel.

b. The main way in which an employees wages are determined.

c. A system of reward points offered by retailers to attract customer loyalty.

d. The evaluation of an individual employee's performance over a given period of time.

Q18. In recent years autonomous working groups have come to play an important part in many businesses. What are their essential features?

a. The group reports directly to the senior management above them in the hierarchy of the firm.

b. The creation of teams which have a high level of autonomy and control over their immediate working environment.

c. The bringing together of various individuals who have a common interest in solving certain problems.

d. A group of experts brought into research new ways of producing a product.

Q19. Authoritarian leadership is a term often seen in textbooks. What does it mean?

a. A style of leadership where the leader keeps a very tight control on all information and decision-making processes.

b. A system of leadership that allows maximum participation by all employees.

c. A chain of command that is flat and allows considerable personal freedom to make decisions.

d. The selling of debts to an agency, who take responsibility for their collection.

Q20. Ineffective planning of workforce would be highlighted by:

a. Recruitment and selection problems.

b. The need to out source some of the production

c. A need to offer retraining to current employees.

d. An opportunity to increase the use of mechanisation.

Q21. Which of the following is one of the factors that might influence the style of leadership used by a firm?

a. Accepting that employees who agree are favoured.

b. Workers should be left to be more in control of their own working environment.

c. Offering profit sharing as part of employees remuneration package.

d. The skills expected from each employee.

Q22. Which of the following will influence the style of management used by a company?

a. The desire by the owner to have the workforce treat him in a fatherly way.

b. The need to focus discussions on policy as a joint process between employees and employer / manager.

c. The culture of the company, the nature of its work and the preferences of the individual managers.

d. The use of distinct penalties for poor performance.

Q23. What is meant by the term empowerment?

a. A process of giving employees greater autonomy and decision-making powers.

b. A system that encourages workers to move more freely within the workforce.

c. The opportunity to share in the company's profits.

d. A formal system of leadership that relies greatly on control.

Q24. Which of the following will influence the method of recruitment and selection used by a company?

a. The state of the economy.

b. The size of the organisation.

c. The type of training programmes used by the company.

d. The possible expansion of UK business in Europe.

Q25. Which of the following is an accurate definition of recruitment?

a. The process of attempting to fill gaps that exist in the skills of the current labour force.

b. The system of following someone around and noting how they perform their duties.

c. The process by which companies fill the need to find new employees.

d. A statement that enshrines the fundamental objectives of the company.

Q26. Which of the following is NOT normally a sign of poor morale amongst a workforce?

a. High levels of absenteeism.

b. High levels of turnover.

c. Increased levels of personal productivity

d. A poor external image and difficulties attracting good recruits.

Q27. Which of the following IS one of Herzberg's 'motivational factors'?

a. Opportunities to achieve some personal advancement within the organisation.

b. The application of respected supervision of employees by those responsible for this role within the organisation.

c. Within organisations it is the workings of groups that influence codes of behaviour.

d. People are primarily motivated by money and little else.

Q28. Which of the following is one of Herzberg's 'hygiene factors'?

a. Recognition in the workplace.

b. A reasonable salary.

c. An opportunity to take some responsibility in ones place of work.

d. Developing a sense of achievement in the working environment.


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